Congratulations to ISL researcher, Shayan Shahramian, on receiving an ADI Outstanding Student Designer award at ISSCC in San Francisco.
Research News
ISL graduate students present two papers at the European Solid-State Circuits Conference in Venice, Italy, including work on high-speed time-interleaved ADCs and a low-power DFE for high-speed I/O.
Prof. Tony Chan Carusone spoke at the 2014 CMOS Emerging Technologies Research Symposium on July 8 in Grenoble, France on the topic of Highly-Integrated CMOS Optical Transceivers.
Prof. Tony Chan Carusone participated as a panelist at the 10th UofT Connections event, May 5th in downtown Toronto. See a summary of the discussion here.
MITACS featured post-doc Haleh Vahedi from the Integrated Circuits Laboratory for the tremendous experience she obtained during her tenure here.
Prof. Tony Chan Carusone delivered an invited presentation on “Optical Transmission: Backbone, Backplane and Beyond” at IEEE Canada’s 2014 Canadian Conference on ECE on the afternoon of May 5th in downtown Toronto.
Prof. Chan Carusone delivered a seminar to faculty and graduate students at the University of Michigan’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on the afternoon of October 21st. [Link]
Congratulations to ISL researcher Kevin Banovic, a finalist in the Broadcom Foundation University Research Competition. Kevin and 11 other finalists from top labs around the world presented their work at a gala event June 5th in Irvine, California attended by hundreds of Broadcom engineers. Here is Kevin at the event with Broadcom founder Henry Samueli.
Prof. Chan Carusone was pleased to present to the local IEEE Chapter of the Solid-State Circuits Society in Penang, Malaysia on June 25, 2013.