A. S. Sedra, K. C. Smith, T. Chan Carusone, V. Gaudet, “Microelectronic Circuits,” 8th edition, Oxford University Press, 2020. |
T. Chan Carusone, D. Johns, and K. Martin, “Analog Integrated Circuit Design,” 2nd edition, J. Wiley & Sons, 2011. |
IEEE Copyright Statement:
IEEE owns the copyright to all material included below that is published by the IEEE, aside from those published with Open Access. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Permission may be sought from the IEEE by sending an email to pubs-permissions@ieee.org.
Journal Publications
B. Yang, T. Caldwell, and A. Chan Carusone, “An Energy-Efficient Pipeline-SAR ADC using Linearized Dynamic Amplifiers and Input Buffer in 22nm FDSOI,” IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems, January 2025. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
K. Yadav, P. -H. Hsieh and A. Chan Carusone, “Linearity Analysis of Source-Degenerated Differential Pairs for Wireline Applications,” in IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems, vol. 6, pp. 26-37, January 2025. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
A. Sadr and A. Chan Carusone, “A Monolithic Microring Modulator-Based Transmitter With a Multi-Objective Thermal Controller,” in IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society, December 2024. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
Z. Li and A. Chan Carusone, “An Open-Source AMS Circuit Optimization Framework Based on Reinforcement Learning – From Specifications to Layouts,” IEEE Access, October 2024. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
A. Chan Carusone, D. Dunwell, S. Gupta, L. Giuliano, A. Auge, M. Klempa, S. H. Fung, “Co-design of Inter-Chiplet, Package, and System Interconnect Protocols,” IEEE Micro, August 2024. [IEEExplore]
D. Jarrett-Amor, and A. Chan Carusone, “A Comparison Between Single-Ended, NRZ Unidirectional Signaling and Single-Ended, NRZ Simultaneous-Bidirectional Signaling for Die-to-Die Links,” IEEE Micro, August 2024. [IEEExplore]
B. Radi, Z. Li, D. Patel, and A. Chan Carusone, “Optimizing the Photodetector/Analog Front-end Interface in Optical Communication Receivers,” IEEE Transactions on Signal and Power Integrity, August 2023. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
R. Barrie, M. Yang, and A. Chan Carusone, “Statistical BER Analysis of Concatenated FEC in Multi-Part Links,” Signal Integrity Journal, July 2023. [Open Access]
P. Poolad and A. Chan Carusone, “Memory Conscious Machine Learning Method to Extract Time-of-Flight Data From Flash LiDARs,” IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1-4, March 2023. [IEEExplore]
D. Patel, A. Sharif-Bakhtiar and A. Chan Carusone, “A 112-Gb/s −8.2-dBm Sensitivity 4-PAM Linear TIA in 16-nm CMOS With Co-Packaged Photodiodes,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2022. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
B. Vatankhahghadim, B. Radi, M. Hossain and A. Chan Carusone, “Spectrally Efficient DMT Operation With BER-Informed Dynamic Bit and Power Loading,” IEEE Access, 2022. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
K. Yadav, P.-H. Hsieh and A. Chan Carusone, “Loop Dynamics Analysis of PAM-4 Mueller-Muller Clock and Data Recovery System,” IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems, pp. 216-227, 2022. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
M. W. Ismail, H. Shibata, Z. Li, S. Patil and A. Chan Carusone, “A Design Methodology for Achieving Near Nyquist Continuous Time Pipelined ADCs,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, pp. 4731-4740, December 2022. [IEEExplore]
H. Zhang, A. Hassan, P. Chen, W.M. Snelgrove, and A. Chan Carusone, “Estimation of Broadband Time-Interleaved ADC’s Impairments and Performance Using Only Single-Tone Measurements,” IEEE Access, May 2022. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
B. Radi, D. Abdelrahman, O. Liboiron-Ladouceur, G. Cowan and A. Chan Carusone, “Optimal Optical Receivers in Nanoscale CMOS: A Tutorial,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, April 2022. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
F. Arvani, and A. Chan Carusone “A Reconfigurable 5-Channel Ring-Oscillator-Based TDC for Direct Time-of-Flight 3D Imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, March 2022. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
Q. Yu, A. Chan Carusone, and A. Liscidini “Optimization of Quantized Analog Signal Processing Using Genetic Algorithms and u-Law,” IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems, Feb. 2022. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
X. Mo, J. Wu, N. Wary and A. Chan Carusone, “Design Methodologies for Low-Jitter CMOS Clock Distribution,” Invited to IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society, Oct. 2021. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
F. Arvani and A. Chan Carusone, “Peak-SNR Analysis of CMOS TDCs for SPAD-Based TCSPC 3D Imaging Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Oct. 2021. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
B. Vatankhahghadim, N. Wary, J. Bailey and A. Chan Carusone, “A Study of Discrete Multitone Modulation for Wireline Links Beyond 100 Gb/s,” IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems, Jan. 2021. [Open Access on IEEExplore]
D. Mohammadi, M. W. Ismail, R. Saha, H. Shibata, Z. Li and A. Chan Carusone, “A 7-GS/s 5-Bit Continuous-Time Pipelined Binary-Search Flash ADC in 28-nm CMOS,” IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, Sept. 2020. (Solid-State Circuits Letters Top 50 Download) [IEEExplore]
M. Yang, S. Shahramian, H. Shakiba, H. Wong, P. Krotnev, A. Chan Carusone, “Statistical BER Analysis of Wireline Links with Non-Binary Linear Block Codes Subject to DFE Error Propagation,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Jan. 2020. (Transactions on Circuits and Systems I Top 10 Download) [Open Access on IEEExplore]
Y. F. Zhang, J. Liang, S. Shahramian, B. Dehlaghi, R. Bespalko, M. O’Farrel, D. Dunwell, D. Tonietto, A. Chan Carusone, “Secondary Side-channel Wireline Communication using Transmitter Clock Frequency Modulation,” IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, December 2019. (Solid-State Circuits Letters Top 10 Download) [Open Access on IEEExplore]
B. Dehlaghi, S.Shahramian, J. Liang, R. Bespalko, D. Dunwell, J. Bailey, B. Wang, A. Sharif-Bakhtiar, M. O’Farrell, K. Tang, A. Chan Carusone, D. Cassan, D. Tonietto, “A 1.41pJ/b 56Gb/s PAM-4 Receiver Using Enhanced Transition Utilization CDR and Genetic Adaptation Algorithms in 7nm CMOS,” IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, 2019. [IEEExplore]
L. Wang, Y. Fu, M. LaCroix, E. Chong, A. Chan Carusone, “A 64-Gb/s 4-PAM Transceiver Utilizing an Adaptive Threshold ADC in 16-nm FinFET,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Dec 2018. [PDF]
H. Zhang, J. Sun, J. Zhang, R. Zhang, A. Chan Carusone, “A Low-Power Pipelined-SAR ADC Using Boosted Bucket-Brigade Device for Residue Charge Processing,” IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems, Sept 2018. [PDF]
Q. Wang, H. Shibata, A. Liscidini, A. Chan Carusone, “A Digital Filtering ADC With Programmable Blocker Cancellation for Wireless Receivers,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, March 2018. [Open Access On IEEExplore]
K. Banovic, A. Chan Carusone, “A Sub-mW Integrating Mixer SAR Spectrum Sensor for Portable Cognitive Radio Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, March 2018. [PDF]
H. Zhang, X. Liu, J. Zhang, H. Zhang, J. Li, R. Zhang, S. Chen, A. Chan Carusone, “A Nano-Watt MOS-Only Voltage Reference with High-Slope PTAT Voltage Generators,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, pp. 1-5, Jan 2018. [PDF]
L. Wang, M. LaCroix, A. Chan Carusone, “A 4GS/s Single Channel Reconfigurable Folding Flash ADC for Wireline Applications in 16nm FinFET,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Dec. 2017. [PDF]
S. Chen, L. Wang, H. Zhang, R. Murugesu, D. Dunwell, A. Chan Carusone, “All-Digital Calibration of Timing Mismatch Error in Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters,” IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, Sept. 2017. [PDF]
S. Shahramian, B. Dehlaghi, A.Chan Carusone, “Edge-Based Adaptation for a 1 IIR + 1 Discrete-Time Tap DFE Converging in 5us,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 3192-3203, Nov 2016. [Open Access On IEEExplore]
A. Sharif-Bakhtiar, A.Chan Carusone, “A 20 Gb/s CMOS Optical Receiver with Limited-Bandwidth Front End and Local Feedback IIR-DFE,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 2679-2689, Nov 2016. [PDF]
B. Dehlaghi, A.Chan Carusone, “A 0.3 pJ/bit 20 Gb/s/Wire Parallel Interface for Die-to-Die Communication,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 2690-2701, Nov 2016. [Open Access On IEEExplore]
V. Kozlov, A.Chan Carusone, “Capacitively-Coupled CMOS VCSEL Driver Circuits,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 2077-2090, Sept 2016. [PDF Open Access On IEEExplore]
S. Shahramian, A.Chan Carusone, “A 0.41 pJ/Bit 10 Gb/s Hybrid 2 IIR and 1 Discrete-Time DFE Tap in 28 nm-LP CMOS,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 1722-1735, July 2015. [PDF]
A. Samarah, A.Chan Carusone, “A Digital Phase-Locked Loop with Calibrated Coarse and Stochastic Fine TDC,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 1829-1841, August 2013. [PDF]
D. Dunwell, A. Chan Carusone, “Modeling Oscillator Injection Locking Using the Phase Domain Response,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 2013, pp. 2823-2833, November 2013. [PDF]
K. Yamamoto, A. Chan Carusone, “A 1-1-1-1 MASH Delta-Sigma Modulator with Dynamic Comparator-Based OTAs,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 49, no. 8, pp. 1866-1883, August 2012. (IEEExplore Top 100 Download) (Journal of Solid-State Circuits Top 10 Download) [PDF]
S. Shahramian, H. Yasotharan, A. Chan Carusone, “Decision Feedback Equalizer Architectures with Multiple Continuous-time Infinite Impulse Response Filters,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 326-330, June 2012. (Transactions on Circuits and Systems II Top 25 Download) [PDF]
A. Chan Carusone, H. Yasotharan, T. Kao, “CMOS Technology Scaling Considerations for Multi Gbps Optical Receivers with Integrated Photodetectors,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol.46, no.8, pp.1832-1842, August 2011. (Journal of Solid-State Circuits Top 25 Download) [PDF]
M. Hossain, A. Chan Carusone, “7.4 Gb/s 6.8 mW Source Synchronous Receiver in 65 nm CMOS,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol.46, no.6, pp.1337-1348, June 2011. [PDF]
S. Shahramian, A. Hart, A. Tomkins, A. Chan Carusone, P. Garcia, P. Chevalier, S. Voinigescu, “Design of a Dual W- and D-Band PLL,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 1011-1022, May 2011. (Journal of Solid-State Circuits Top 20 Download, April 2011) [PDF]
T. Shuo-Chun Kao, F. A. Musa and A. Chan Carusone “A 5-Gbps CMOS Optical Receiver with Integrated Spatially Modulated Light Detector and Equalization” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, pp. 2844 – 2857, November 2010. [PDF]
M. Hossain and A. Chan Carusone, “10 Gb/s 70mW Burst Mode AC Coupled Receiver in 90nm CMOS,”IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 524-537, March 2010. [PDF]
M. Hossain and A. Chan Carusone, “Multi-Gb/s Bit-by-Bit Receiver Architectures for 1-D Partial Response Channels,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, pp. 270-279, January 2010. [PDF]
M. Hossain and A. Chan Carusone, “CMOS Oscillators for Clock Distribution and Injection-Locked Deskew,”IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 2138-2153, August 2009. (Journal of Solid-State Circuits Top 10 Download, August 2009) (IEEExplore Top 100 Download, August 2009) [PDF]
H. Cheng, F. A. Musa, and A. Chan Carusone, “A 32/16 Gb/s Dual-Mode Pulse Width Modulation Pre-emphasis (PWM-PE) Transmitter with 30-dB Loss Compensation using a High-Speed CML Design Methodology,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, pp. 1794-1806, August 2009. [PDF]
S. Shahramian, S. P. Voinigescu, A. Chan Carusone, “A 35-GS/s, 4-bit Flash ADC with Active Data and Clock Distribution Trees,”IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 1709-1720, June 2009. (Journal of Solid-State Circuits Top 10 Download, June 2009) (IEEExplore Top 100 Download, June 2009) [PDF]
M. Bichan, M. Hossain, A. Chan Carusone, “Frequency-Division Bidirectional Communication over Chip-to-chip Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, Special Issue on High-Speed I/O Channels, pp. 298-305, May 2009. [PDF]
G. Ng, F. A. Musa, A. Chan Carusone, “A 2-Tap Traveling Wave Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filter with 12 dB Peaking at 24-GHz,”Electronics Letters, pp. 463-464, April 2009. [PDF]
J. Pham and A. Chan Carusone, “A Time-Interleaved Delta-Sigma-DAC Architecture Clocked at the Nyquist Rate,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, pp. 858-862, Sept. 2008. [PDF]
K. Yamamoto, A. Chan Carusone, and F. Dawson, “A Delta-Sigma Modulator with a Widely Programmable Center Frequency and 82-dB Peak SNDR,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 1772-1782, Aug. 2008. [PDF]
A. Darabiha, A. Chan Carusone, and F. Kschischang, “Power Reduction Techniques for LDPC Decoders,”IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 1835-1845, Aug. 2008. [PDF]
A. Darabiha, A. Chan Carusone, and F. Kschischang, “Block-Interlaced LDPC Decoders with Reduced Interconnect Complexity,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, pp. 74-78, January 2008. [PDF]
F. Musa and A. Chan Carusone, “Modeling and Design of Multilevel Bang-Bang CDRs in the Presence of ISI and Noise,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, pp. 2137-2147, October 2007. [PDF]
F. Musa, A. Chan Carusone, “A Baud-Rate Timing Recovery Scheme with a Dual-Function Analog Filter, ” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, pp. 1393-1397, December 2006. [PDF]
A. Garg, A. Chan Carusone, S. Voinigescu, “A 1-Tap 40-Gbps Look-ahead Decision Feedback Equalizer in 0.18μm SiGe BiCMOS Technology,”IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp.2224-2232, October 2006. [PDF]
S. Shahramian, A. Chan Carusone, S. Voinigescu, “Design Methodology for a 40-GSamples/Sec Track & Hold Amplifier in 0.18-μm SiGe BiCMOS Technology,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 2233-2240, October 2006. [PDF]
A. Chan Carusone, “An Equalizer Adaptation Algorithm to Reduce Jitter in Binary Receivers,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, pp. 807-811, September 2006. [PDF]
J. Sewter and A. Chan Carusone, “A 3-Tap FIR Filter with Cascaded Distributed Tap Amplifiers for Equalization up to 40 Gb/s in 0.18-mm CMOS,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 1919-1929, August 2006. [PDF]
J. Sewter and A. Chan Carusone, “A CMOS Finite Impulse Response Filter with a Crossover Traveling Wave Topology for Equalization up to 30 Gb/s,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 909-917, April 2006. [PDF]
J. Sewter and A. Chan Carusone, “Equalizer Architectures for 40-Gb/s Optical Systems Limited by Polarization-Mode Dispersion,” International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems, pp. 549-566, Sept. 2005. [PDF]
A. Chan Carusone and D. A. Johns, “Digital LMS Adaptation of Analog Filters Without Gradient Information,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, pp. 539-552, Aug. 2003. [PDF]
A. Carusone, K. Farzan and D. A. Johns, “Differential Signaling with a Reduced Number of Signal Paths,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, March 2001, pp. 294-300. [PDF]
A. Carusone and D. A. Johns, “Analogue Adaptive Filters – Past and Present,” IEE Transactions on Circuits, Systems, and Devices, February 2000, pp. 82-90. [PDF]
Magazine Articles
B. Dehlaghi, N. Wary, A. Chan Carusone, “Ultra-Short-Reach Interconnects for Die-to-Die Links: Global Bandwidth Demands in Microcosm,”IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, pp. 42-53, 2nd Quarter, 2019. [Link]
A. Chan Carusone, “Introduction to Digital I/O,”IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, pp. 14-22, 4th Quarter, 2015. [Link]
A. Chan Carusone, “The Limits of Light: The finite bandwidth of optical fibre,”IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, pp. 55-63, 2nd Quarter, 2008. [PDF]
Book Chapters
X. Mo, N. Wary, and A. Chan Carusone, “High-Performance CMOS Clock Distribution,” in Phase-Locked Frequency Generation and Clocking: Architectures and circuits for modern wireless and wireline systems, Editor W. Rhee, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2020. | |
A. Chan Carusone, F. Musa, J. Sewter, and G. Ng, “Integrated Circuits for Dispersion Compensation in Optical Communication Links,” in Wireless and Optical Next Generation Communication Links, Editor K. Iniewski, J. Wiley & Sons, 2010. |
A. Chan Carusone, “Equalization and Multilevel Modulation for Multi-Gbps Chip-to-chip Links,” in Circuits at the Nanoscale: Communications, Imaging, and Sensing, Editor K. Iniewski, CRC Press, 2008. |
J. Sewter and A. Chan Carusone, “Equalizer Architectures for 40-Gb/s Optical Systems Limited by Polarization-Mode Dispersion,” in High-Speed Optical Tranceivers, Editors Y. Liu & H. Yang, World Scientific Press, 2006. |
A. Carusone and D. A. Johns, “Analogue Adaptive Filters,” in Integrated Analogue Filter Design, Editor Y. Sun, IEE Press, 2002. |
Conference Publications
R. Barrie, M. Yang, H. Shakiba, A. Chan Carusone, “An FPGA-Accelerated Platform for Post-FEC BER Analysis of 200 Gb/S Wireline Systems”, IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Springfield, Massachusetts, August 2024. [IEEExplore]
A. Sadr, A. Chan Carusone, “Microring Modulator Detuning for Optimal Optical 4-PAM Transmitter Performance Metrics,” IEEE Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, Melbourne, Australia, July 2024.
D. Jarrett-Amor, A. Chan Carusone, “A 16 Gbps, 0.126 pJ/bit, Single-Ended TIA Driver with Impedance Peaking Control for SBD D2D Links,” IEEE New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), Sherbrooke, Canada, June 2024. [IEEExplore]
B. Yang, A. Chan Carusone, “Design of a Linearized Power-Efficient Dynamic Amplifier in 22nm FDSOI,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Singapore, May 2024. [IEEExplore]
Z. Li, A. Chan Carusone, “Design and Optimization of Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator Using Relational Graph Neural Network and Reinforcement Learning in Open-Source SKY130 Process,” IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, San Francisco, California, Oct. 2023. [IEEExplore]
P. Poolad, A. Chan Carusone, “Memory Conscious Machine Learning Method to Extract Time-of-Flight Data from Flash LiDARs,” IEEE Sensors, Vienna, Austria, Oct. 2023.
W. Ismail, X. Liu, A. Chan Carusone, “Inductorless Bandpass Nois-Shaping Continuous-Time Pipelined ADC Architectures,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Austin, Texas, May 2023. [IEEExplore]
D. Jarrett-Amor, K. Yadav, D. Zhang, B. Yang, S. Jalali, A. Chan Carusone, “A 32Gb/s 0.42pJ/bit Passive Hybrid Simultaneous Bidirectional Transceiver for Die-to-Die Links,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Austin, Texas, May 2023. [IEEExplore]
A. Hassan, S. Saha, A. Chan Carusone, “Fully Integrated Photonic Dot-product Engine in 45-nm SOI CMOS for Photonic Computing,” IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference, Arlington, Virginia, April 2023. [IEEExplore]
R. Barrie, M. Yang, A. Chan Carusone, “Statistical BER Analysis of Concatenated FEC in Multi-Part Links,” DesignCon, Santa Clara, California, January 2023. (Best Paper Award) [PDF Paper] [PDF Slides]
D. Patel, B. Radi, A. Sharif-Bakhtiar, and A. Chan Carusone, “Experimental Study of the Equalization Requirements of a 2.5D Co-Packaged 16-nm CMOS Optical Receiver up to 160 Gb/s,” European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Basel, Switzerland, Sept. 2022. [IEEExplore]
Z. Li, A. Chan Carusone, “Design and Optimization of T-Coil-Enhanced ESD Circuits with Upsampling Convolutional Neural Network,” International Microwave Symposium, Denver, Colorado, June 2022. [IEEExplore]
D. Zhang, J. Liang, A. Chan Carusone, “Design Considerations for Time-Modulated Injection-Locked Phase Interpolators and Rotators,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Austin, Texas, May 2022. [YouTube]
F. Arvani, A. Chan Carusone, “A Reconfigurable 5-Channel Ring-OScillator-Based TDC for Direct Time-of-Flight 3D Imaging IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Austin, Texas, May 2022.
D. Patel, A. Sharif-Bakhtiar, A. Chan Carusone, “A 112Gbps -8.2dBm Sensitivity 4-PAM Linear TIA in 16nm CMOS with Co-Packaged Photodiodes,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Newport Beach, California, April 2022. (Best Student Paper Award) [IEEExplore] [YouTube]
M. Yang, S. Shahramian, H. Wong, P. Krotnev, A. Chan Carusone, “Global Optimization of Wireline Transceivers for Minimum Post-FEC vs. Pre-FEC BER,” DesignCon, August 2021. (Best Paper Award) [PDF Paper] [PDF Slides]
M. Yang, S. Shahramian, H. Wong, P. Krotnev, A. Chan Carusone, “Pre-FEC and Post-FEC BER as Criteria for Optimizing Wireline Transceivers,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Daegu, Korea, May 2021. [PDF] [PDF Slides]
R. Saha, A. Chan Carusone, “An Adaptive Spatial Blocker Cancellation Receiver for Multiple Antenna Systems,” IEEE New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), Montreal, November 2020. [PDF]
B. Vatankhahghadim, N. Wary, A. Chan Carusone, “Discrete Multitone Signaling for Wireline Communication,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Seville, Spain, October 2020. [PDF] [YouTube]
P. Chen, N. Wary, L. Wang, Q. Wang, A. Chan Carusone, “All-Digital Calibration Algorithms to Correct for Static Non-Linearities in ADCs,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Seville, Spain, October 2020. [PDF] [YouTube]
A. Chan Carusone, “Towards Intelligent Interconnect Fabrics,” Open Compute Platform Future Technologies Symposium, May 2020. [YouTube]
M. Yang, S. Shahramian, H. Shakiba, H. Wong, P. Krotnev. A. Chan Carusone, “Statistical Burst-Error Modeling of FEC-Encoded High-Speed Wireline Links,” DesignCon, Santa Clara, California, January 2020. [PDF] [Slides]
F. Arvani, A. Chan Carusone, “TDC Sharing in SPAD-Based Direct Time-of-Flight 3D Imaging Applications,” International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Sapporo, Japan, May 2019. [PDF]
S. Shahramian*, B. Dehlaghi*, J. Liang, R. Bespalko, D. Dunwell, J. Bailey, B. Wang, A. Sharif-Bakhtiar, M. Ferrell, K. Tang, A. Chan Carusone, D. Cassan, D. Tonietto, “A 1.41pJ/b 56Gb/s PAM-4 Wireline Receiver Employing Enhanced Pattern Utilization CDR and Genetic Adaptation Algorithms in 7nm CMOS,” International Solid-State Circuits Conference, February 2019. (* Equally credited authors) [PDF]
A. Sharif-Bakhtiar, A. Chan Carusone, “A Methodology for Accurate DFE Characterization,” IEEE RFIC Symposium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 2018. [PDF] [Slides – PDF]
F. Arvani, A. Chan Carusone, “Direct Time-of-Flight TCSPC Analytical Modeling Including Dead-Time Effects,” International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Florence, Italy, May 2018. [PDF]
S. Chen, L. Wang, H. Zhang, R. Murugesu, D. Dunwell, A. Chan Carusone, “All-Digital Calibration of Timing Mismatch Error in Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters,” International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2018. [Slides – PDF]
L. Wang, Y. Fu, M. LaCroix, E. Chong, A. Chan Carusone, “A 64Gb/s PAM-4 Transceiver Utilizing an Adaptive Threshold ADC in 16nm FinFET,” International Solid-State Circuits Conference, San Francisco, California, February 2018. [PDF]
S. Shahramian, B. Dehlaghi, Y. Yin, R. Beerkens, D. Cassan, D. Tonietto, A. Chan Carusone, “Chip-Level Power Integrity Methodology for High-Speed Serial Links,” DesignCon, Santa Clara, California, January 2018. [PDF]
Q. Wang, A. Liscidini, A. Chan Carusone, “Filtering ADCs for Wireless Receivers: a Survey,” Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Boston, Massachusetts, August 2017. [PDF]
A. Sharif-Bakhtiar, M. G. Lee, A. Chan Carusone, “A 40-Gbps 0.5-pJ/bit VCSEL Driver in 28nm CMOS with Complex Zero Equalizer,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Austin, Texas, May 2017. [PDF]
A. Sharif-Bakhtiar, M. G. Lee, A. Chan Carusone, “Low-Power CMOS Receivers for Short Reach Optical Communication,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Austin, Texas, May 2017. [PDF]
Q. Wang, H. Shibata, A. Chan Carusone, A. Liscidini, “A LTE RX Front-end with Digitally Programmable Multi-Band Blocker Cancellation in 28nm CMOS,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Austin, Texas, May 2017. [PDF]
L. Wang, M.A. LaCroix, A. Chan Carusone, “A 4GS/s Reconfigurable Folding Flash ADC for Time Interleaving in 16nm FinFET,” International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Baltimore, Maryland, May 2017.
K. Banovic, A. Chan Carusone, “A Sub-mW Spectrum Sensing Architecture for Portable IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio Applications,” International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Baltimore, Maryland, May 2017. [PDF]
B. Dehlaghi, R. Beerkens, D. Tonietto, A. Chan Carusone, “Interconnect Technologies for Terabit-per-second Die-to-Die Interfaces,” Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium, Austin, Texas, October 2016. [PDF]
A. Chan Carusone, B. Dehlaghi, R. Beerkens, D. Tonietto, “Ultra-Short-Reach Interconnects for Package-Level Integration,” Optical Interconnects Conference, San Diego, California, June 2016. [PDF]
S. Shahramian, B. Dehlaghi, A. Chan Carusone, “A 16 Gb/s 1 IIR + 1 DT DFE Compensating 28dB Loss with Edge-Based Adaptation Converging in 5us,” International Solid-State Circuits Conference, San Francisco, California, February 2016. [PDF]
V. Kozlov, A. Chan Carusone, “A 15Gb/s AC-coupled VCSEL Driver with Waveform Shaping in 65nm CMOS,” Compound Semiconductor IC Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 2015. [PDF]
B. Dehlaghi, A. Chan Carusone, “A 20 Gb/s 0.3 pJ/b Single-Ended Die-to-Die Transceiver in 28nm SOI CMOS,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, 2015. [PDF]
A. Sharif-Bakhtiar, A. Chan Carusone, “A 19.6-Gbps CMOS Optical Receiver with Local Feedback IIR DFE,” VLSI Circuits Symposium, Kobe, Japan, June 2015. [PDF]
A. Samarah, A. Chan Carusone, “Cycle-Slipping Pull-In Range of Bang-Bang PLLs,” IEEE NEW Circuits and Systems Conference (NEwCAS), Grenoble, France, June 2015. [PDF]
A. Samarah, A. Chan Carusone, “Multi-Phase Bang-Bang Digital Phase Lock Loop,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2015. [PDF]
M. Shibata, A. Chan Carusone, “A 26-Gb/s 1.80-pJ/b CMOS-Driven Transmitter for 850-nm Common-Cathode VCSELs,” Optical Fiber Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, California, March 2015. [PDF]
S. Shahramian, A. Chan Carusone, “A 10Gb/s 4.1mW 2-IIR + 1-Discrete-Tap DFE in 28nm LP CMOS,” European Solid-State Circuits Conference, Venice, Italy, 2014. (Best Young Scientist Paper Award) [PDF]
L. Wang, Q. Wang, A. Chan Carusone, “Time Interleaved C-2C SAR ADC with Background Timing Skew Calibration in 65nm CMOS,” European Solid-State Circuits Conference, Venice, Italy, 2014. [PDF]
M. Bichan, D. Dunwell, Q. Wang, A. Chan Carusone, “A Passive Resonant Clocking Network for Distribution of a 2.5-GHz Clock in a Flash ADC,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Melbourne, Australia, May 2014. [PDF]
D. Dunwell, A. Chan Carusone, “Channel Characterization Using Jitter Measurements,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Beijing, China, May 2013. [PDF]
A. Sharif-Bakhtiar, S. Shahramian, A. Rousson, H. Yasotharan, A. Chan Carusone, “Integrated Photodiode Characterization in a SiGe BiCMOS Process,” IEEE Photonics Society 2nd Optical Interconnects Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 2013. [PDF]
A. Samarah, A. Chan Carusone, “A dead-zone free and linearized digital PLL,” International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, Seville, Spain, December 2012. [PDF]
K. Banovic, A. Chan Carusone, “A 1.55mW Mixed-Signal Integrating Mixer for Direct Spectrum Estimation in 0.13um CMOS,” Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, Kobe, Japan, November, 2012. [PDF]
A. Samarah, A. Chan Carusone, “A Digital Phase-Locked Loop with Calibrated Coarse and Stochastic Fine TDC,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2012. [PDF]
D. Dunwell, A. Chan Carusone, J. Zerbe, B. Leibowitz, B. Daly, J. Eble, “A 2.3-4 GHz Injection-Locked Clock Multiplier with 55.7% Lock Range and 10-ns Power-On,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2012. [PDF]
A. Rousson, A. Chan Carusone, “A Multi-Lane Optical Receiver with Integrated Photodiodes in 90nm Standard CMOS,” Optical Fiber Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, California, March 2012. [PDF]
K. Yamamoto, A. Chan Carusone, “A 1-1-1-1 MASH Delta-Sigma Modulator Using Dynamic Comparator-Based OTAs,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2011. (Best Student Paper Award) [PDF]
J. Zerbe, B. Daly, W. Dettloff, T. Stone, W. Stonecypher, P. Venkatesan, K. Prabhu, B. Su, J. Ren, B. Tsang, B. Leibowitz, D. Dunwell, A. Chan Carusone, J. Eble, “A 5.6Gb/s 2.4mW/Gb/s Bidirectional Link With 8ns Power-On,” VLSI Circuits Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
D. Dunwell, A. Chan Carusone, “Gain and Equalization Adaptation to Optimize the Vertical Eye Opening in a Wireline Receiver,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2010. [PDF] [PDF, slides]
A. Chan Carusone, H. Yasotharan, T. Kao, “Progress and Trends in Multi-Gbps Optical Receivers with CMOS Integrated Photodetectors,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2010. (Best Invited Paper Award) [PDF]
D. Dunwell, A. Chan Carusone, “A 15-Gb/s Preamplifier with 10-dB Gain Control and 8-mV Sensitivity in 65-nm CMOS,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Paris, France, June 2010. [PDF] [PDF, slides]
S. Shahramian, A. Hart, A. Chan Carusone, P. Garcia, P. Chevalier, S.P. Voinigescu, “A D-band PLL covering the 81-82 GHz, 86-92 GHz and 162-164 GHz bands,” IEEE IEEE RFIC Symposium, Anaheim, California, May 2010. [PDF]
M. Hossain, A. Chan Carusone, “A 6.8mW 7.4Gb/s Clock-Forwarded Receiver with up to 300MHz Jitter Tracking in 65nm CMOS,” International Solid-State Circuits Conference, San Francisco, California, February 2010. [PDF]
H. Yasotharan, A. Chan Carusone, “A Flexible Hardware Encoder for Systematic Low-Density Parity-Check Codes,”Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Cancun, Mexico, Aug 2009. [PDF]
M. Bichan, A. Chan Carusone, “The Effect of Redundancy on the Area-Offset Tradeoff in Dynamic Comparators,” Progress in Research in Microelectronics (PRIME) Conference, Cork, Ireland, July 2009. [PDF]
T. Shuo-Chun Kao and A. Chan Carusone, “A 5-Gbps Optical Receiver with Monolithically Integrated Photodetector in 0.18-um CMOS,”IEEE RFIC Symposium, Boston, MA, June 2009. [PDF]
A. Chan Carusone and F. Maloberti, “Multi-Rate Delta-Sigma Modulators,”to appear in the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2009. [PDF], [PDF, slides]
P. Park, A. Chan Carusone, “A 20-Gb/s Coaxial Cable Receiver Analog Front-End in 90-nm CMOS Technology,”IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, November 2008. [PDF], [PDF, slides]
S. Shahramian, A. Chan Carusone, P. Schvan and S. P. Voinigescu, “An 81Gb/s, 1.2V TIALA-Retimer in 65nm GP CMOS Process,”Compound Semiconductor IC Symposium, Monterey, California, October, 2008. [PDF], [PDF, slides]
H. Cheng, A. Chan Carusone, “A 32/16 Gb/s 4/2-PAM Transmitter with PWM Pre-Emphasis and 1.2 Vpp per side Output Swing in 0.13-um CMOS,”
Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2008. [PDF]
M. Hossain, A. Chan Carusone, “20 GHz Low Power QVCO and De-skew Techniques in 0.13-um Digital CMOS,”Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2008. (Best Student Paper Award) [PDF], [PDF, slides]
M. Bichan, A. Chan Carusone, “A 6.5 Gb/s Backplane Transmitter with 6-tap FIR Equalizer and Variable Tap Spacing,”Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2008. [PDF]
G. Ng, A. Chan Carusone, “A 38-Gb/s 2-tap Transversal Equalizer in 0.13-um CMOS using a Microstrip Delay Element,” IEEE RFIC Symposium, Atlanta, George, June 2008. [PDF], [PDF, slides]
F. Musa, A. Chan Carusone, “A Passive Filter Aided Timing Recovery Scheme,” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., May 2008. [PDF], [PDF, slides]
K. Yamamoto, A. Chan Carusone, and F. Dawson, “A Delta-Sigma Modulator with a Widely Programmable Center Frequency and 82-dB Peak SNDR,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2007. (Best Student Paper Award) [PDF], [PDF, slides]
A. Darabiha, A. Chan Carusone, and F. Kschischang, “A 3.3-Gbps Bit-Serial Block-Interlaced Min-Sum LDPC Decoder in 0.13-um CMOS,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2007. [PDF]
A. Chan Carusone, “Practical Challenges for Electronic Dispersion Compensation in CMOS,” LEOS Summer Topical Meeting, Portland, Oregon, July 2007. [PDF], [PDF, slides].
M. Hossain and A. Chan Carusone, “A 14-Gb/s 32 mW AC coupled receiver in 90-nm CMOS,” VLSI Circuits Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, June 2007. [PDF], [PDF, slides]
M. Bichan, A. Chan Carusone, “Crosstalk-Aware Transmitter Pulse-Shaping for Parallel Chip-to-Chip Links,”IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., New Orleans, Louisiana, May 2007. [PDF], [PDF, slides]
G. Ng, A. Chan Carusone, “Electronic Dispersion Compensation of 40-Gb/s Multimode Fiber Links Using IIR Equalization,” 2007 Optical Fiber Conference (OFC), Anaheim, CA. [PDF], [PDF Slides]
S.P. Voinigescu, T. Chalvatzis, K.H.K. Yau, A. Hazneci, A. Garg, S. Shahramian, T. Yao, M. Gordon, T.O. Dickson, E. Laskin, S.T. Nicolson, A. Chan Carusone, L. Tchoketch-Kebir, O. Yuryevich, G. Ng, B. Lai, and P.Liu, “SiGe BiCMOS for Analog, High-Speed Digital and Millimetre-Wave Applications Beyond 50 GHz,” IEEE Bipolar / BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, Maastricht, The Netherlands, October 2006. [PDF],
M. Hossain and A. Chan Carusone, “A 19-GHz Broadband Amplifier Using a gm-Boosted Cascode in 0.18-μm CMOS,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2006. [PDF], [PDF, Slides]
S. Shahramian, S. P. Voinigescu and A. Chan Carusone, “A 30-GS/sec Track and Hold Amplifier in 0.13-μm CMOS Technology,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2006. [PDF], [PDF, Slides]
A. Darabiha, A. Chan Carusone and F. R. Kschischang, “A Bit-Serial Approximate Min-Sum LDPC Decoder and FPGA Implementation,” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., May 2006. [PDF], [PDF, Slides]
S. Shahramian, A. Chan Carusone, S. P. Voinigescu, “A 40-GSamples/Sec Track & Hold Amplifier in 0.18μm SiGe BiCMOS Technology,” Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium, Palm Springs, California, October 2005. (Best Paper Award) [PDF]
A. Garg, A. Chan Carusone, S. P. Voinigescu, “A 1-Tap 40-Gbps Lookahead Decision Feedback Equalizer in 0.18μm SiGe BiCMOS Technology,”Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium, Palm Springs, California, October 2005. [PDF]
J. Sewter and A. Chan Carusone, “A 40 Gb/s Transversal Filter in 0.18 μm CMOS Using Distributed Amplifiers,”Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Jose, California, September 2005. [PDF], [PDF, Slides]
J. Sewter and A. Chan Carusone, “A 3-Tap Digitally Programmable Transversal Filter in 90 nm CMOS for Equalization up to 30 Gb/s,”Symposium on VLSI Circuits, June 2005. [PDF], [PDF, Slides]
J. Sewter and A. Chan Carusone, “A Comparison of Equalizers for Compensating Polarization-Mode Dispersion in 40-Gb/s Optical Systems,” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., May 2005. [PDF], [PDF, Slides]
A. Chan Carusone, “Jitter Equalization for Binary Baseband Communication,” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., May 2005. [PDF], [PDF, Slides]
A. Darabiha, A. Chan Carusone and F. R. Kschischang, “Multi-Gbit/sec Low Density Parity Check Decoders with Reduced Interconnect Complexity,” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., May 2005. [PDF], [PDF, Slides]
S. Shahramian and A. Chan Carusone, “Hardware reduction by combining pipelined A/D conversion and FIR filtering for channel equalization,” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., May 2004. [PDF]
F. Musa and A. Chan Carusone, “Clock recovery in high-speed multilevel serial links,” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., May 2003. [PDF], [PDF, Slides]
A. Chan Carusone, “Analog Adaptive Filters,” tutorial at the IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., Bangkok, Thailand, May 2003. [PDF, Slides]
D. Daly and A. Chan Carusone, “A sigma-delta based open loop frequency modulator,” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., May 2003. [PDF], [PDF, Poster]
A. Chan Carusone and D. A. Johns, “Analog Filter Adaptation Using a Dithered Linear Search Algorithm,” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., May 2002. [PDF], [PDF, Slides]
A. Chan Carusone and D. A. Johns, “A 5th Order Gm-C Filer in 0.25 um CMOS with Digitally Programmable Poles & Zeroes,” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., May 2002. [PDF], [PDF, Slides]
A. Carusone and D. A. Johns, “Obtaining Digital Gradient Signals for Analog Adaptive Filters,” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., May 1999. [PDF], [PDF, Slides]
Ph. D. Thesis
A. Chan Carusone, Digital Algorithms for Analog Adaptive Filters, Feb. 2002. [PDF].